This morning, we rolled out a significant upgrade to Metis’s Queues page. This is part of our ongoing effort to enhance Metis’s user interface (UI), making it consistent across the platform and simpler to navigate.
Log into Metis today and take a look at the new Queues page. Or you can check out our knowledge base article on Queues.
What’s changed
UI overhaul
The UI has been updated and brought in line with newer pages like Extensions & Voicemail, Trunks, and Incoming Calls.
Old UI:
New UI:
New Add page
We’ve introduced a dedicated ‘Add’ page where you can simultaneously set up all queue details, as opposed to doing it in phases.
New Modify page
We’ve also launched a brand-new ‘Modify’ page, allowing you to add or remove extensions, update queue statuses, and manage audio files for your queue.
Improved Actions menu
We’ve simplified the actions menu for queue management, making it more user-friendly.
Delete a queue
Any deleted queue is automatically removed from your Incoming Calls dial plans.