In the September edition of our VoIP roundup, we will be keeping you up to date with what’s been going on here at Packnet, as well as taking a look at the latest news in VoIP.
Packnet News
New Metis Feature: Top Navigation Bar
So, here it is. The first image of the new Metis portal. As you can see it’s changed pretty substantially.
The floating side navigation bar has been replaced by a more defined menu which, along with the top nav bar, borders the displayed information.
The old layout of pages has been replaced by a panelled interface which condenses the information into bite size sections, allowing for a clearer and more user friendly experience.
Right now we’re going to do a bit of a run through the top nav bar as that’s one of the new additions which really stands out.
Previously we only had a welcome message and the “Show Help” and “Logout” buttons on the top navigation bar.
The words have now been replaced by icons, and there is more of a defined border between the displayed information and the 2 navigation bars which really makes everything stand out.
Here’s an overview of the icons and what they mean:

Home Icon
This was part of the old portal’s breadcrumb trail, a simple but useful button which takes you back to your home page.

Menu Icon
This button is a new addition. You will be able to press this to minimize the side navigation bar. Great if you’re on a laptop, or if you just want to make the most of your screen size.

Profile Icon
Another new one. Click this to bring up a friendly welcome message along with your own profile picture.

Help Icon
The scholar’s hat has replaced the Show Help button. Click this to bring up the help text for whatever page you are on.

Full Screen Icon
Clicking this will automatically put the portal in full screen mode.
Quicker than pressing F12 or ⌘+ ⇧ + F.

Settings Icon
Click the new settings button to bring up a selection of 8 different themes for your account. Check out the image above to see the colour schemes available!

Sign Out Icon
Clicking this button will sign you out.
BETA Access Open
Metis BETA is now up and running with a handful of trusted customers using the system.
So far feedback has been positive and we’re eager to give it a general release once the all the work is done and the bugs are fixed.
If you would like to get early access then email us to let us know. We’ll then contact you with what we need to get you set up.
Please note that using the BETA platform doesn’t restrict your access to the current portal in any way, you can use both in tandem with one another.
Other News
Ofcom Warns on CLI Spoofing
Telecoms regulator Ofcom has announced that it has plans to build rules for CLI spoofing into their regulations over the next five years.
CLI spoofing is a process which allows incoming calls to display a fake or ‘spoofed’ originating number on the recipient’s’ phone.
There are plenty of valid reasons that a caller would want to spoof their CLI, one for example being a caller who wishes to leave an 0800 number, rather than their UK local geographic number, so you can return the call free of charge.
That being said, the tactic is also used by scammers who will spoof their CLI with a bank or credit card company’s number hoping to steal sensitive information.
Ofcom has said that thanks to the rise of VoIP the problem is ever increasing. It estimated up to two billion spoofing attempts per year in the UK.
Even though the problem appears to be so wide spread the legality of CLI spoofing is still unclear.
Alistair Kelman – the barrister who was counsel for Gold and Schifreen in the Prestel case and who won their appeals in the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords, subsequently leading to the creation of the Computer Misuse Act – told The Register.
“That is a tricky issue. It turns on the meaning of unauthorised and I could see there being some difficulties here. You might therefore look at the Forgery Act 1981,” he said. “The definition of forgery is to create a false instrument which tells a lie about itself. It could be argued that a false CLI is an instrument which tells a lie about the originator – i.e. it is a forgery. This is intellectually far more in keeping with the underlying harm which the crime is trying to address than to use the Computer Misuse Act.”
Ofcom handed out some sterling advice on the matter:
Never give out your personal information in response to an incoming call, or rely upon the Caller ID as the sole means of identification, particularly if the caller asks you to carry out an action which might have financial consequences.
Finally, Ofcom has requested people not to get in touch with them to report CLI spoofing but rather instead if it’s been used to facilitate a scam they should tell Action Fraud and Trading Standards.