As we welcome 2018, we are delighted to announce the launch of our new and updated website!
Our previous website was launched in 2014, and I’m sure we can all say that a lot has changed in four years. Therefore, we’ve also decided to embrace the new age with a sleek and vibrant website that truly says we’re here to stay.
As you browse through our site, we hope you notice the influence, Manchester, our home, has had on our design and vision. With every click you make, you are welcomed with a stunning picture of Manchester city and motifs of the ever-so-prevalent Worker Bee.
Among the integrated social media buttons present on our website, we have added a snazzy Trustpilot customer review carousel. The review carousel represents our goal into focusing on customer feedback because, at the end of the day, your experience and feedback are what helps us to work better for you.
The website could not have been made without the brilliant minds of; Jonah Douglas-Byrnes, who designed the site and Manchester-based design company, Webpraxis – whose wonderful team spent many-a-day building this vision.
We hope you enjoy the site as much as we do.