In the latest edition of ‘huh?’ worthy news, the UK government has formed a new accord with the ‘National Church institutions of the Church of England’. The accord aims to spread Wireless broadband into the rural communities of England through none other than church spires and towers!
Due to their astronomically sized spires and towers, churches dominate in being the highest structures in rural communities. Taking advantage of this, spires and towers can now be used as a distribution point for a local fixed wireless access, therefore giving some of the country’s rural residents the broadband connection they deserve.
Whilst the idea of churches and broadband may sound radical, the ‘WiSpire’ of Norfolk church proves that it can certainly be done. Following this, the government has made moves to connect with The Church of England in order to encourage the deployment of broadband to 16,000 churches across England. The government hopes to be able to link up with other religious organisations to expand their plans.

Wispire in Norfolk Church
Matt Hancock MP, DCMS Secretary of State, said:
“Churches are central features and valued assets for local communities up and down the country. This agreement with the Church of England will mean that even a 15th century building can help make Britain fit for the future improving people’s lives by boosting connectivity in some of our hardest-to-reach areas.”
Bearing in mind the historical, cultural and architectural significance of the churches, the accord has pledged to ensure that the structures aren’t marred by the sight of metal towers and wires. In addition to that, the government has committed to giving parishes and dioceses support and advice to consider supporting digital connectivity and the skills for future digital infrastructure projects.
Fun fact of the day, (well you may already know this) but we also sell Wireless Leased Lines – sadly, ours aren’t placed on top of church spires however, they’re just as amazing and with our Wireless Leased Lines, rural VoIP users will benefit from improved call quality on their softphones. Better yet, with BT expanding their FTTP plans to rural areas, we encourage you to get in touch with us to see when FTTP will be available to your area.